Talia Rose Bio
Who is Talia Rose

I am a harpist and bard, songstress and sound healer, harp therapist working as such in the Rogue Valley. In other words, I am an artist with training as a music/harp therapist who works a job in the medical world. This is a combination I am proud of, and has balanced me out a lot, constantly keeping me humble while it helps to pay my bills.
Since a near death experience I had in my early 20s, I have dedicated my life to Creation for this time of re-making (ie NOW.) I have been leading groups and working with individuals for the purpose of transformation of consciousness since that time, and that part of my work doesn’t look like its stopping any time soon. I am also a Life Coach and certified Bodyworker and Herbalist.
I have been through many life changes over time. I am a single Mom, my son now being 28. I raised him on my own from the age of four, the best achievement of my life! (his dad, my husband, passed over when he was a wee lad) I live in two worlds, our own regular day to day, and the ceremonial world of indigenous north American people.
I was trained by Lakota elders and given a sacred Pipe to carry (a prayer Pipe) to pray for the people. I carry it especially for women and children all over the world. I also received training and inspiration for my personal process of ‘re-making’ from William ‘Hermit’ Johnson, a Cherokee Elder Wisdom holder and Wild Coyote Man. Without his mentoring I could not have remained on this Earth in the physical and I am glad that I did as there’s lots more to witness, celebrate and accomplish before I go.
Oh yes, about 20 years ago, I fell in love with Ireland. I have been there 10 times now and I take small groups to check out sacred sites on that amazing island. (emeraldfirejourneys.com)